GET /v1/calendar/attachments/{id}

Queries an attachment (of an event/task) by attachment id, in one of conditions: The calendar of the event/task is public, OR the authenticated user is the owner of the calendar, OR the user belongs to the group of the calendar, OR the user is a participant of the event or is delegated to the task, OR the calendar has been shared with the user or with a group of the user.



Supported Format: JSON


  • Required (path parameters):

Parameter Description
id Identity of the attachment.
  • Optional (query parameters):

Parameter Description
fields Comma-separated list of selective attachment attributes to be returned. All returned if not specified.
jsonp The name of a JavaScript function to be used as the JSONP callback. If not specified, only JSON object is returned.

Request example:

 GET: http://localhost:8080/rest/private/v1/calendar/attachments/att123?fields=id,name


   "weight": 38569,
   "mimeType": "image/png",
   "name": "test.png",
   "href": "...",
   "id": "..."

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