
Returns a list of drives/folders/documents in a specified location for a given user. Also, it processes the file uploading action. {portalname}: The name of portal. {restcontextname}: The context name of REST web application which is deployed to the "{portalname}" portal.

Resource Description
GET /wcmDriver/getDriveOfNode/ Returns the driveName according to the nodePath param which is composed by the driveHomePath and the path of the node
GET /wcmDriver/getDrivers/ Returns a list of drives for the current user.
GET /wcmDriver/getFoldersAndFiles/ Returns all folders and files in a given location.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/checkUploadAvailable/ Checks if the drive can upload a new file.
POST /wcmDriver/uploadFile/upload/ Uploads a file.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/checkExistence/ Check the status of uploading a file, such as aborting, deleting or progressing the file.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/cleanName Clean file name
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/control/ Controls the process of uploading a file, such as aborting, deleting or progressing the file.