POST {portalName}/social/activities/destroy/{activityId}.{format} |
Destroys an activity by its provided Id. |
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/show.{format} |
Gets a list of users who like the activity. |
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/update.{format} |
Updates the "like" information of the activity. |
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/destroy/{identityId}.{format} |
Removes the "like" information of the activity. |
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/show.{format} |
Gets comments on the activity. |
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments.{format} |
Gets a limit number of comments on the activity. |
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}.{format} |
Gets an activity by its Id. |
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/update.{format} |
Updates the comment information on the activity. |
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/create.{format} |
Add comments to an existing activity. |
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/destroy/{commentId}.{format} |
Removes comments on the activity. |