2.1. Basic configuration

Like other eXo services, JCR can be configured and used in the portal or embedded mode (as a service embedded in eXo Platform) and in the standalone mode. See Execution modes for details.

The JCR service configuration (for example, Repository service) that can be found in jcr-configuration.xml looks like the following:

(1)    <value-param>
      <description>JCR repositories configuration file</description>
(2)    <value-param>
(3)    <properties-param>
      <property name="persister-class-name" value="org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.config.JDBCConfigurationPersister" />
      <property name="source-name" value="${gatein.jcr.datasource.name}${container.name.suffix}"/>
      <property name="dialect" value="${gatein.jcr.datasource.dialect}"/>


conf-path: A path to a RepositoryService JCR Configuration.


max-backup-files: The maximum number of backup files. This option lets you specify the number of stored backups. Number of backups can not exceed this value. File which will exceed the limit will replace the oldest file.


working-conf: This is optional. See JCR configuration persister for more details. If there is not a working-conf, the persister will be disabled.

The JCR Core implementation contains a persister which stores the repository configuration in the related database using JDBC calls - org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.config.JDBCConfigurationPersister. The implementation will create and use table JCR_CONFIG in the provided database. But the developer can implement his own persister for his particular usecase.

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