xCMIS includes the client side frameworks for integrating content from different enterprise repositories, according to CMIS standard.
The project is to make joining Enterprise Content repositories simpler by offering CMIS abilities and exposing them to language-independent CMIS clients via the most convenient protocol.
xCMIS project:
Is embedded, packaged as the J2EE Web archive (WAR) and prepared "download and go" Tomcat bundle.
Has a live demo with the full-featured CMIS Expert client, which is accessible via xcmis.org site and with prepared "download and go" Tomcat bundle (the client is accessible as the remote gadget).
Is embedded in eXo Platform to create the special xCMIS jcr repository and access it with any CMIS client.
Tested with third-party CMIS clients, such as IBM CMIS Firefox Connector and CMIS Spaces Flex+AIR client. Either local repository (as described in here), or can be used as a CMIS repository's endpoint URL for these, or other types of clients.
Benefits of xCMIS:
xCMIS is an open source, server side Java CMIS implementation, enabling to expose content in the existing content repositories according to the protocols defined in the CMIS specification.
xCMIS will give developers a way to make their content repositories "pluggable" on the server side based on the internal Storage Provider Interface and additional protocol on-demand bindings.
xCMIS will provide (several) CMIS client frameworks for repository-application and repository-repository interactions. The programming language and supported protocol can be selected by users. For example, the reasonable choice for using web applications, gadgets, and/or mashups is JavaScript, or GWT over REST AtomPub, while for inter-repository exchange, it may be Java over Web Services like WSDL/SOAP.
Both the server and client sides of xCMIS are easily integrated in eXo Platform infrastructure. In particular, xCMIS exposes the eXo JCR content repository and provides a framework for building web applications and gadgets for the GateIn portal.
The xCMIS project is distributed under the LGPL license. You can download sources on Google code, or visit Community Wiki for more information.