User Profile and User Profile Home

The User Profile and User Profile Home nodes are used to store information of each user. User Profile is automatically created by a listener when a user registers to the organization service. Private message and forum subscription can be added to User Profile as a child node. These node types exo:forumUserProfile, exo:userProfileHome, exo:privateMessage and exo:forumSubscription are defined as child nodes of exo:forumUserProfile. The User Profile node is stored under the ForumSystem node: /exo:applications/ForumService/ForumSystem/exo:userProfileHome/exo:forumUserProfile.

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:userIdStringfalseThe user Id.
exo:fullNameStringfalseThe user's full name.
exo:firstNameStringfalseThe user's first name.
exo:lastNameStringfalseThe user's last name.
exo:emailStringfalseThe user's email address.
exo:userTitleStringfalseThe user's title: Administrator, Moderator or User.
exo:screenNameStringfalseThe displayed name of user in Forum.
exo:userRoleLongfalseThe user's role. The value can be: "O": Administrator, "1": Moderator, "2": User, "3": guest.
exo:signatureStringfalseThe signature displayed at the end of each user's post.
exo:totalPostLongfalseThe total posts submitted by the user.
exo:totalTopicLongfalseThe total topics started by the user.
exo:jobWattingForModeratorLongfalseThe number of jobs that are waiting to be moderated.
exo:moderateForumsStringtrueThe list of forum Ids that user is the moderator.
exo:moderateCategoryStringtrueThe list of category Ids that user is the moderator.
exo:readTopicStringtrueThe list of topics that user has read.
exo:readForumStringtrueThe list of forums that user has read.
exo:lastReadPostOfTopicStringtrueThe list of the last read posts id in a topic that user has read.
exo:lastReadPostOfForumStringtrueThe list of the last read posts Id in a forum that user has read.
exo:isAutoWatchMyTopicsBooleanfalseEnables/Disables the auto-watch the topics created by user. Topics created by a user will be watched automatically if the value is set to "true".
exo:isAutoWatchTopicIPostBooleanfalseEnables/Disables the auto-watch posts submitted by user. Topics posted by an user will be watched automatically if the value is set to "true".
exo:bookmarkStringtrueThe list of topics/posts bookmarked by user.
exo:lastLoginDateDatefalseThe date of the last login.
exo:joinedDateDatefalseThe date when user joined forum.
exo:lastPostDateDatefalseThe date of the last post.
exo:isDisplaySignatureBooleanfalseUser's signature will be displayed at the end of their post if the value is set to "true".
exo:isDisplayAvatarBooleanfalseUser's avatar is displayed if the value is set to "true".
exo:newMessageLongfalseThe number of new messages.
exo:timeZoneDoublefalseThe time zone configured by user.
exo:timeFormatStringfalseThe time format configured by user: 12h or 24h format.
exo:shortDateformatStringfalseThe format of short date configured by user. For example: 'dd/MM/yyyy'.
exo:longDateformatStringfalseThe format of long date configured by user. For example: 'dd mmm, yyyy'.
exo:maxPostLongfalseThe number of the maximum posts displayed per page.
exo:maxTopicLongfalseThe number of the maximum topics displayed per page
exo:isShowForumJumpBooleanfalseDisplays/Hides the forum jump drop-down list. This jump list will be shown if the value is set to "true".
exo:collapCategoriesStringtrueThe list of categories collapsed by user.
exo:isBannedBooleanfalseThe user's condition. User is currently banned if the value is set to "true".
exo:banUntilLongfalseThe time when the ban period expires.
exo:banReasonStringfalseThe description for the reason that user was banned.
exo:banCounterStringfalseThe number of bans that user has committed.
exo:banReasonSummaryStringtrueThe list of ban reason summaries when a user is banned for more than one time.
exo:createdDateBanDatefalseThe date when the ban period starts.
Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:fromStringfalseThe user Id of the sender.
exo:sendToStringfalseThe user Id of the receiver.
exo:nameStringfalseThe private message subject.
exo:messageStringfalseThe message contents.
exo:typeStringfalseThe private message type: sent messages or received messages.
exo:receivedDateDatefalseThe date when the private message was received.
exo:isUnreadBooleanfalseThe status of private message: read/unread.
Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:categoryIdsStringtrueThe Ids of the subscribed categories.
exo:forumIdsStringtrueThe Ids of the subscribed forums.
exo:topicIdsStringtrueThe Ids of the subscribed topics.
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