6.2.2. Cache management view

eXo Platform uses caches at several levels. Monitoring them can provide the critical performance information, especially useful for tuning the server. Each cache is exposed with statistics and management operations.


Name The name of the cache.
Capacity The maximum capacity of the cache.
HitCount The total number of times the cache was successfully queried.
MissCount The total number of times the cache was queried without success.
Size The number of entries in the cache.
TimeToLive The valid period of the cache in seconds. If the value is set to -1, the cache never expires.
clearCache() Evicts all entries from the cache. This method can be used to force a programmatic flush of the cache.
getName Returns the cache name.
getLiveTime Returns the valid lifetime of an entry in the cache in seconds.
setLiveTime Sets the valid lifetime of an entry in the cache in seconds.
getCacheHit Returns the total number of successful hits.
getCacheMiss Returns the total number of unsuccessful hits.
getMaxSize Returns the maximum capacity of the cache.
setMaxSize Sets the maximum capacity of the cache.
getCacheSize Returns the number of entries in the cache.


The CacheManager MBean has no attribute and only one method to clear all the Caches.

clearCaches() Forces a programmatic flush of all the registered caches.


PicketLinkIDMCacheService is the default implementation for the organization model. It has no attribute.

invalidateAll Invalidates all cache entries.
invalidate(namespace) Invalidates a specific cache namespace.
printCaches Lists out all cache entries.


PicketLinkIDMCacheService can be controlled through the following path:

However, the REST View managements of CacheService and CacheManager are not currently exposed in this version.

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