6.2.4. JCR management view

Java Content Repository (JCR) provides a management view to monitor sessions, locks, repository configurations, and workspace configurations.


Name The name of the repository container.
RegisteredComponentNames The list of registered component names in the repository.
getName Returns the repository container name.
getRegisteredComponentNames Returns the list of registered component names in the repository.


TimeOut The expiration period of a JCR session.
Size The number of currently active sessions.
runCleanup Cleans all JCR sessions timed out.
getTimeOut Returns the session timeout.
setTimeOut Sets the session timeout in seconds.
getSize Returns the number of currently active sessions.


Workspace NameDescription
collaboration Data, such as sites content, documents, groups, records space, tags, and users.
dms-system Data of DMS, including node types, templates, views, taxonomy trees.
knowledge Data of Forum, FAQ and Poll applications.
portal-system Data of the Portal model objects, such as navigations, pages, sites, and application registry.
portal-work Information of Gadget token and Remember me token.
social Data of Social, including activity, identity, profile, relationship and space.
system Data of system, including versions storage, node types, namespaces.
Name The name of the workspace container.
RegisteredComponentNames The list of registered component names in the workspace.
getName Returns the workspace container name.
getRegisteredComponentNames Returns the list of registered component names in the workspace.


NumLocks The number of active locks.
cleanExpiredLocks Removes all expired JCR locks.
getNumLocks Returns the number of active JCR locks.


Currently, the REST View managements of SessionRegistry, LockManager, Repository and Workspace are not exposed in this version.

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