5.1. Integrating an application

To add a portlet to one of your site's pages, you should configure the pages.xml file located at custom-extension.war!/WEB-INF/conf/portal/{portal-container-name}/{site-name}/.

Here is an example of the portlet configuration in the pages.xml file:

        <value>/sites content/live/acme/web contents/site artifacts/Introduce</value>
      <!-- ... -->


XML tag nameDescription
application-ref Name of the webapp that contains the portlet.
portlet-ref Name of the portlet.
title Title of the page.
access-permission Defines who can access the portlet.
show-info-bar Shows the top bar with the portlet title.
show-application-state Shows the collapse/expand icons.
show-application-mode Shows the change portlet mode icon.
preferences Contains a list of preferences specific to each portlet. Each preference has a name and a value. You can also lock it by setting the read-only element to "true".

See also

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