Fast Content Creator

The Fast Content Creator portlet consists of two modes: Standard Content Creator and Basic Content Creator. This portlet allows users to quickly create contents without accessing the Sites Explorer portlet.

This is an example of the Fast Content Creator portlet used in Content:

By default, this portlet is applied for the Contact Us portlet in Content.

Preference Type Value Description
mode string basic The default mode of the Fast Content Creator portlet.
workspace string collaboration The workspace where the content is stored.
path string /Groups/platform/users/Documents The destination path where the content is stored.
type string nt:file The node type of document which is shown on the dialog form.
saveButton string Save The custom button: Save.
saveMessage string This node has been saved successfully The custom message when the user clicks the Save button.
isRedirect boolean false Specifies whether redirecting to another page or not.
redirectPath string http://www.google.com.vnThe path to which the page will redirect.
isActionNeeded boolean true Specifies whether an action is needed to save to the configuration or not.

<!-- Specify the workspace name will be use in repository   -->
    <!-- Specify the destination path which will be use to store saved documents -->
    <!-- Specify the node type of document which will be show on the dialog form -->
    <!-- The custom button Save -->
    <!-- The custom message when click Save button -->
        <value>This node has been saved successfully</value>
    <!-- Redirect to other page or not -->
    <!-- The page will redirect to -->
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