
This plugin is used to store predefined queries into the repositories of the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in /packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-queries-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>documents created by the current user</description>
                <object type="org.exoplatform.services.cms.queries.impl.QueryData">
                    <field name="name">
                        <string>Created Documents</string>
                    <field name="language">
                    <field name="statement">
                        <string>//*[(@jcr:primaryType = 'exo:article' or @jcr:primaryType = 'nt:file') and
                            @exo:owner='${UserId}$'] order by @exo:dateCreated descending
                    <field name="permissions">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                    <field name="cachedResult">

In which:

Value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository boolean true Stores queries in a new repository if the value is "true".
repository string repository The repository to the target node.
Field Type Description
name string The name of the query.
language string The language of the query (Xpath, SQL).
statement string The query statement.
permissions ArrayList The permission which users must have to use this query.
cachedResult boolean Specifies if the query is cached or not.
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