Wiki data

Depending on the Wiki type (portal, group or user); its pages, attachments and default syntax are stored under a node with either of node types: "wiki:portalwiki", " wiki:groupwiki" or "wiki:userwiki" respectively. Such a node has four child nodes:WikiHome, Preferences, LinkRegistry, and Trash. These node types have the super type "wiki:wiki" that has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
refReferencefalseThe reference to one of three following nodes: portalwikis, groupwikis or userwikis.
ownerStringfalseThe name of the wiki.
wikiPermissionsStringtrueThe property consists of the permission information of the wiki. The permission string has the format: VIEWPAGE,EDITPAGE,ADMINPAGE,ADMINSPACE:USER:john; VIEWPAGE:GROUP:/platform/users; and VIEWPAGE,EDITPAGE,ADMINPAGE,ADMINSPACE:MEMBERSHIP:manager:/platform/administrators .
isDefaultPermissionsInitedBooleantrueChecks whether the default permission is applied to all the wiki tree or not. Its default value is "false".


The WikiHome node stores the root page of a Wiki. It has the "exo:wikihome" node type that has the super wiki:page type inherited from "nt:folder". The super type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
ownerStringfalseThe creator of the page.
authorStringfalseThe last person who modifies the page.
createdDateDatefalseThe date when the page is created.
updatedDateDatefalseThe last date when the page is updated.
syntaxStringfalseThe Wiki syntax is used to write the page.
titleStringfalseThe title of the page.
commentStringfalseThe comment explains what is modified in the page.
urlStringfalseThe URL to the page.
isOverridePermissionBooleanfalseChecks whether the default permission is overridden on the page or not. Its default value is "false".
exo:relationReferencetrueThe property consists of the UUIDs of the related pages.

The nodes of the "wiki:page" type have a child node named "content " and other child nodes including attachments of the "wiki:attachment" type inherited from "nt:file". The wiki:attachment node type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
titleStringfalseThe name of the attachment.
fileTypeStringfalseThe type of the attachment.
creatorStringfalseThe creator of the attachment.

The "wiki:removed" mixin node type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
removedByStringfalseThe person who deleted the page.
removedDateDatefalseThe date when the page is deleted.
parentPathStringfalseThe path to the parent page of the deleted page.

The "wiki:renamed" mixin node type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
oldPageIdsStringtrueThe old Ids of the renamed page.

The "wiki:watched" mixin node type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
watcherStringfalseThe Id of the person who is watching the page.


The "Preferences" node stores the default syntax and page templates of the Wiki. It has the node type "wiki:preferences" and two child nodes "PreferencesSyntax" and "TemplateContainer".

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
defaultSyntaxStringfalseThe default Wiki syntax of each wiki.
allowMutipleSyntaxesBooleanfalseSpecifies whether multiple syntaxes are enabled or not.
Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
descriptionStringfalseThe description of the template.


The "LinkRegistry" node stores the entries to keep track of renaming or moving pages. Each link entry has the "wiki:linkentry" node type that has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
aliasStringfalseThe Id of a page that is moved or renamed. Its format is "wikitype@wikiowner@page name".
newlinkPathfalseA new path to the wiki page that has been moved or renamed.


The "Trash" node stores deleted pages.

Template Container

The "Template Container" node stores the templates to create Wiki pages.

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