Advanced search

The Advanced Search allows users to make a search with particular criteria corresponding to the object you want to find.

Performing advanced search

  1. Click Advanced Search in the result page if your search with the search box on the User bar;

    Or, click Advanced Search link in the forum/topic search pop-up.

    Based on the criteria you want to search, such as category, forum or post, the search criteria will be changed accordingly.

  2. Enter the search criteria.

  3. Click Search to do search. Also, click Clear Fields to reset the inputted values.

Matched results will be shown in the Search Result form. There will be an alert message when there is no object matching with the search criteria.

Finding in categories

Select Category from the Search in drop-down menu.

In which:

Terms The search keyword.
Scope The search scale. With the "Full" option selected, returned results are those with both titles and content matching the keyword. With the "Title" option selected, returned results are those with titles matching the keyword.
Username Filters search results by the category creator. Input the name manually, or click to select users from a specific group.
Created between - and Filters search results by categories created within an interval.
Moderator Filters search results by the category moderator. Input the name manually, or click to select users from a specific group.

Finding in forums

Select Forum from the Search in drop-down menu.

In which:

Terms The search keyword.
Status The status of the forums ("Locked" or "Unlocked").
State The state of the forums ("Open" or "Closed").
Posts Filters search results by the minimum number of posts in the forum. Click and drag the slider bar to set the number of posts.
Topics Filters search results by the minimum number of topics in the forum. Click and drag the slider bar to set the number of topics.
Moderator Filters search results by the forum moderator. Input the name manually, or click to select users from a specific group.

Finding in topics

Select Topic from the Search in drop-down menu.

In which:

Terms The search keyword.
Type The type of the topic specified by the topic type name and its icon. It can be selected from the existing list.
Status The status of the topics ("Locked" or "Unlocked").
State The state of the topics ("Open" or "Closed").
Created between - and Filters search results by topics created within an interval.
Last Post between - and Filters search results by the last post's created date in the topic.
Posts Filters search results by the minimum number of posts in the topic. Click and drag the slider bar to set the number of posts.
Views Filters search results by the minimum number of topic views. Click and drag the slider bar to set the number of views.

Finding in posts

Select Post from the Search in drop-down menu.

In which:

Term The search keyword.
Scope The scale for searching. With the "Full" option selected, returned results are those with both title and content matching the keyword. With the "Title" option selected, returned results are those with post titles matching the keyword.
Username Filters search results by the posters' usernames. Input the name manually, or click to select users from a specific group.
Created between - and Filters search results by posts created within an interval.
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