Content symlinks

Symlinks are used to organize the virtual access to documents in Content, which is implemented like links in Unix/Linux/Mac OS (refer to ln command for more details).

Via CMIS, you can get a file using its symlink as well as its real path.


Nodetype of symlinks is exo:symlink.

Use Case: Follow Symlinks

  1. Log in intranet website as a developer role.

  2. Go to AdministrationContentSites ExplorerSites Management on the administration bar, then select /intranet/documents folder.

  3. Upload any file (for example test.txt) to /intranet/documents.

  4. Go to /intranet/categories/intranet and add a new category: /intranet/categories/intranet/news.

  5. Back to /intranet/documents/test.txt and add this file to that category. This will create a symlink of /intranet/documents/test.txt in /intranet/categories/intranet/news.

  6. Get content of the /intranet/categories/intranet/news folder via CMIS:

    curl -o news.xml -u root:gtn http://localhost:8080/rest/private/cmisatom/Managed%20Sites/objectbypath?path=/intranet/categories/intranet/news

    The output file (news.xml) contains the entry with information about the folder, in which you will find a link (to get children) like this:

    <link href="http://localhost:8080/rest/private/cmisatom/Managed%20Sites/children/03dcf0827f00000100cf3b9a4cbf3de4" rel="down" type="application/atom+xml; type=feed"/>
  7. Get the children of /intranet/categories/intranet/news using that link:

    curl -o children.xml -u root:gtn http://localhost:8080/rest/private/cmisatom/Managed%20Sites/children/03dcf0827f00000100cf3b9a4cbf3de4

    The output file (children.xml contains an entry (related to test.txt) that has an ID:

        <title type="text">test.txt</title>
  8. Finally get the test.txt file by using file service and the ID:

    curl -o test.txt -u root:gtn http://localhost:8080/rest/private/cmisatom/Managed%20Sites/file/03dd409c7f000001010b7e050789d358
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