CMIS search


To enable query support, follow CMIS Add-on configuration section.

The service URL is http://localhost:8080/rest/private/cmisatom/{repositoryId}/query. To use curl to send request (GET and POST), see Simple query section.

CMIS provides a type-based query service for discovering objects that match specified criteria by defining a read-only projection of the CMIS data model into a Relational View.

CMIS query languages are based on a subset of the SQL-92 grammar. CMIS-specific language extensions to SQL-92 are called out explicitly. The basic structure of a CMIS query is a SQL statement that MUST include the following clauses:

Additionally, a CMIS query MAY include the following clauses:

Each CMIS ObjectType definition has the following query attributes:

query name (String)

Is used for query operations on object types. In the SQL statement examples, all object types are queryName. For example, the given queryName matches the specific type of document. For example, in query like "SELECT * FROM cmis:document", "cmis:document" is queryName pre-configured in Document object type definition.

queryable (Boolean)

Indicates whether or not this object type is queryable. A non-queryable object type is not visible through the relational view that is used for query, and can not appear in the FROM clause of a query statement.

fulltextIndexed (Boolean)

Indicates whether objects of this type are full-text indexed for querying via the CONTAINS() query predicate.

includedInSupertypeQuery (Boolean)

Indicates whether this type and its subtypes appear in a query of this type's ancestor types. For example, if Invoice is a sub-type of Document, and its value is TRUE for a query on Document type, the matched instances of Invoice will be returned. If this attribute is FALSE, no instances (including matched ones) of Invoice will be returned.

Property definition also contains queryName and queryable attributes with the same usage.

Here are query examples for each case, including:

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