2.2. Configuration

The configuration file is:

You were asked to create the file and edit the chatPassPhrase property for security during the setup, so the property is not repeated here.


dbServerTypemongoYou should always use the default value. The other value, embed, is used for unit testing.
dbServerHostlocalhostThe host name or IP of MongoDB.
dbServerPort27017The port number to connect to MongoDB host.
dbNamechatName of the Mongo database name.
dbAuthenticationfalseSet it true if authentication is required to access MongoDB.
dbUserEMPTYProvide the username to access the database if authentication needed.
dbPasswordEMPTYProvide the password to access the database if authentication needed.

Generally, you do not need to configure those unless you have secured your MongoDB. See details about connecting to secured MongoDB in Secured MongoDB.

Chat Server

chatCronNotifCleanup0 0/60 * * * ?

The notifications are cleaned up every one hour by default. To learn the syntax of Cron expression, see Scheduled synchronization, Administrator guide.


The eXo group who can create teams.

chatReadDays30 (days)

When a user reads a chat, the application displays messages of some days in the past.


The number of messages that you can get in the Chat room.

Chat Client updates

chatIntervalChat3000 (milliseconds)

Time interval to refresh messages in a chat.

chatIntervalSession60000 (milliseconds)

Time interval to keep a chat session alive in milliseconds.

chatIntervalStatus15000 (milliseconds)

Time interval to refresh user status in milliseconds.

chatIntervalNotif3000 (milliseconds)

Time interval to refresh Notifications in the main menu in milliseconds.

chatIntervalUsers5000 (milliseconds)

Time interval to refresh Users list in milliseconds.

chatTokenValidity25000 (milliseconds)

Time after which a token will be invalid. A user will then be considered offline.

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