The configuration file is:
for Tomcat.
for JBoss.
You were asked to create the file and edit the chatPassPhrase
property for security during the setup,
so the property is not repeated here.
Parameter | Default | Description |
dbServerType | mongo | You should always use the default value. The other value, embed, is used for unit testing. |
dbServerHost | localhost | The host name or IP of MongoDB. |
dbServerPort | 27017 | The port number to connect to MongoDB host. |
dbName | chat | Name of the Mongo database name. |
dbAuthentication | false | Set it true if authentication is required to access MongoDB. |
dbUser | EMPTY | Provide the username to access the database if authentication needed. |
dbPassword | EMPTY | Provide the password to access the database if authentication needed. |
Generally, you do not need to configure those unless you have secured your MongoDB. See details about connecting to secured MongoDB in Secured MongoDB.
Parameter | Default | Description |
chatCronNotifCleanup | 0 0/60 * * * ? |
The notifications are cleaned up every one hour by default. To learn the syntax of Cron expression, see Scheduled synchronization, Administrator guide. |
teamAdminGroup | /platform/administrators |
The eXo group who can create teams. |
chatReadDays | 30 (days) |
When a user reads a chat, the application displays messages of some days in the past. |
chatReadTotalJson | 200 |
The number of messages that you can get in the Chat room. |
Parameter | Default | Description |
chatIntervalChat | 3000 (milliseconds) |
Time interval to refresh messages in a chat. |
chatIntervalSession | 60000 (milliseconds) |
Time interval to keep a chat session alive in milliseconds. |
chatIntervalStatus | 15000 (milliseconds) |
Time interval to refresh user status in milliseconds. |
chatIntervalNotif | 3000 (milliseconds) |
Time interval to refresh Notifications in the main menu in milliseconds. |
chatIntervalUsers | 5000 (milliseconds) |
Time interval to refresh Users list in milliseconds. |
chatTokenValidity | 25000 (milliseconds) |
Time after which a token will be invalid. A user will then be considered offline. |