Built-in commands of Crash add-on is documented at:
http://www.crashub.org/1.2/reference.html for Crash 1.2.x.
http://www.crashub.org/1.3/reference.html for Crash 1.3.x.
Crash version is displayed when you connect to the shell. You can get a list of commands by typing % help.
Basically the add-on provides base commands and JCR commands. The following examples help you quickly get familiar with the shell and the commands:
Exploring JCR repository
Start eXo Platform and connect to the shell: telnet localhost 5000.
Connect to the repository of eXo Platform JCR: % repo use container=portal
Connect to a workspace: % ws login -u root -p gtn collaboration
Show the properties and children of the current node: % ls
Go to a node by : % cd command with a path. If the path is absent, it navigates to the root node (/). Use tab key for path auto-suggest and auto-complete.
% cd exo:applications/ % cd /Users % cd ..
Disconnect from the workspace: % ws logout
Quit the shell: % bye
JCR Export/Import
Export a node to xml: scp -P 2000 root@localhost:portal:portal-system:/production/app:gadgets gadgets.xml
Re-import the xml: scp -P 2000 gadgets.xml root@localhost:portal:portal-system:/production/
The format of the node path: container:workspace:/path/of/node.
Note that the time to import/export might be significant, depending on the size of the node content.