Opening a local file

In eXo IDE, you can edit some local files with the registered type within the Code editor or WYSIWYG editor. During opening, you can directly define the correct file type.

Editing the local file content in eXo IDE

  1. Go to FileOpen Local File... from the top menu to open the Open file form.

  2. Click Browse... in the Open file form to select the required local file.

  3. Check the file's MIME type, based on the file extension. If needed, select another MIME type from the list.

  4. Click Open to open the selected file content in the default editor of the Content panel with the local file name.

    The following table is the list of MIME types registered in eXo IDE.

    File TypeMIME TypeDefault File ExtensionDefault Editor
    Text text/plain.txtCode Editor
    XML text/xml; application/xml.xmlCode Editor
    REST Service application/x-jaxrs+groovy.grsCode Editor
    POGO application/x-groovy.groovyCode Editor
    Template application/x-groovy+html.gtmplCode Editor
    HTML text/html.htmlCode Editor
    Google Gadget application/x-google-gadget.xmlCode Editor
    JavaScript text/javascript; application/javascript; application/x-javascript.jsCode Editor
    CSS text/css.cssCode Editor
    Netvibes Widget application/x-uwa-widget.htmlCode Editor
    Data Object application/x-chromattic+groovy.groovyCode Editor
    <unrecognized> binary/octet-stream  

    To load the Google Gadget file, you should set the MIME Type as "application/x-google-gadget" in the Open file form as figured out in the below illustration.

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