2.6.3. Data import strategy

The 'Portal Data' term which has been referred in the previous sections can be classified into three types of object data: Portal Config, Page Data and Navigation Data; each of which has some differences in the import strategy.

Navigation data

The navigation data import strategy will be processed to the import mode level as the followings:

In the GateIn navigation structure, each navigation can be referred to a tree which each node links to a page content. Each node contains some description data, such as label, icon, page reference, and more. Therefore, GateIn provides a way to insert or merge new data to the initiated navigation tree or a sub-tree.

The merge strategy performs the recursive comparison of child nodes between the existing persistent nodes of a navigation and the transient nodes provided by a descriptor:

  1. Start with the root nodes (which is the effective root node or another node if the parent URI is specified).

  2. Compare the set of child nodes and insert the missing nodes in the persistent nodes.

  3. Proceed recursively for each child having the same name.

Let's see the example with two navigation nodes in each import mode. In this case, there are 2 navigation definitions:


Navigation node tree hierarchy


Navigation node tree hierarchy

For example, the navigation1 is loaded before navigation2. The Navigation Importer processes on two navigation definitions, depending on the Import Mode defined in portal configuration.

Portal config

PortalConfig defines the portal name, permission, layout and some properties of a site. These information are configured in the portal.xml, group.xml or user.xml, depending on the site type. The PortalConfig importer performs a strategy that is based on the mode defined in NewPortalConfigListener, including CONSERVE, INSERT, MERGE or OVERWRITE. Let's see how the import mode affects in the process of portal data performance:

Page data

The import mode affects the page data import as the same as Portal Config.


If the Import mode is CONSERVE or INSERT, the data import strategy always performs as the MERGE mode in the first data initialization of the Portal.

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