2.13. JavaScript development

JavaScript has become more and more popular over the last few years and its usage will continue to increase. GateIn is an aggregation platform focusing on aggregating markup in the browser with portlets, but also on integrating JavaScript in the same browser. Each application comes with markup and JavaScript. The JavaScript was integrated with GateIn a long time ago, but could not meet the most recent needs of modern web applications.

Since GateIn 3.3, the most recent usecases of JavaScript integration have been supported. GateIn 3.3 and 3.4 are transitional versions and improved JavaScript support but still could not meet all the usecases as expected. GateIn 3.5 finally meets the goals and reaches maturity. GateIn now allows loading of JavaScript resources and fully supports modularity. Also, it allows integrating JavaScript better by providing a natural isolation mechanism between applications. Last but not least, internal JavaScript of GateIn is rewritten on the top of the jQuery library by running in total isolation from the portlet runtime. With the aim of helping you further understand the development of JavaScript in GateIn 3.5, this part introduces the following topics:


See Adding JavaScript to your portal to learn about usecases.

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