1.4.4. System property configuration

A new property configurator service has been developed for taking care of configuring system properties from the inline kernel configuration or from specified property files.

The services is scoped at the root container level because it is used by all the services in the different portal containers in the application runtime.

Properties init param

The properties init param takes a property declared to configure various properties.

      <property name="foo" value="bar"/>

Properties URL init param

The properties URL init param allow to load an external file by specifying its URL. Both property and XML format are supported, see the javadoc of the java.util.Properties class for more information. When a property file is loaded, the various property declarations are loaded in the order in which the properties are declared sequentially in the file.


In the properties file corresponding to the external properties, you can reuse variables before defining to create a new variable. In this case, the prefix "portal.container." is not needed, see an example below:

my-var1=value 1
my-var2=value 2

System property configuration of the properties URL

It is possible to replace the properties URL init param by a system property that overwrites it. The name of that property is exo.properties.url.

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