Here are good ways you can follow during and after upgrading:
Monitor the server console/log file to be aware of the upgrade status or any issues during the upgrade.
By default, eXo Platform records all information in $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/logs/platform.log
(in Tomcat), $PLATFORM_JBOSS_HOME/standalone/log/server.log
(in JBoss) or $NATIVE_INSTALLER_DIR/apps/exoplatform/logs/platform.log
(in Native Installer).
A successful upgrade typically logs the followings:
The first important message like:
INFO | New version has been detected: proceed upgrading from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
The list of activated plugins:
INFO | Proceed upgrade plugin: name = Upgrade-Gadgets from version 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 with execution order = 0
The message informing the activated upgrade plugins are executed correctly:
INFO | Version upgrade completed.
A message informing the successful startup:
INFO | Server startup in XXXX ms
Check the eXo Platform version via the REST service (http://[your_server]:[your_port]/rest/platform/info), for example: "platformVersion": "4.2.1".
Or, you can see the new version in the footer of Login page as follows:
Log in and check some functions, components and customizations to see if they are working correctly.