Event categories

The eventCategories node contains all event categories. When an event category is created, it is stored in a node of the exo:eventCategory type, under the eventCategories node defined at the path: CalendarApplication/eventCategories/%eventcategory_id%.

This node type has the following properties:

Property nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:idStringfalseThe Id of the category to which an event belongs.
exo:nameStringfalseThe name of the category to which an event belongs.

Each event category node contains the calendar event node of the exo:calendarEvent type. This node of the exo:calendarEvent type is stored at the path: CalendarApplication/eventCategories/%eventcategory_id%/%event_id%.

This node type has the following properties:

Property nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:idStringfalseThe Id of the event.
exo:eventTypeStringfalseType of the event, including Event and Task.
exo:summaryStringfalseThe summary of the event.
exo:locationStringfalseThe location where the event will take place.
exo:taskDelegatorStringfalseThe name of the user being delegated the task.
exo:descriptionStringfalseThe brief description of the event.
exo:eventCategoryIdStringfalseThe Id of the category containing the event.
exo:eventCategoryNameStringfalseThe name of the category containing the event.
exo:calendarIdStringfalseThe Id of the calendar containing the event.
exo:fromDateTimeDatefalseThe start time of the event.
exo:toDateTimeDatefalseThe end time of the event.
exo:priorityStringfalseThe preference order of the event, including 4 values: none, low, normal, high.
exo:isPrivateBooleanfalseDefines if the event is private or not.
exo:eventStateStringfalseThe state of the event which depends on each event type.
exo:invitationStringtrueThe list of email addresses of users being invited to the event. This property is for the Event type only.
exo:participantStringtrueThe list of users being invited to the event. This property is for the Event type only.
exo:participantStatustrueStringThe status of the participant, including name and status value.
exo:messageStringfalseThe content of the invitation email.
exo:repeatStringfalseRepetition type of the event, including: "norepeat", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "weekend", "workingdays".
exo:sendOptionStringfalseThe option to notify users before sending the invitation via email: never (not sending all time), always (sending without asking) and ask (asking before sending).
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