7.6.2. Editing an event

  1. Open the Add/Edit Event form by doing one of two following ways:

    The first way

    Double-click the event you want to edit.

    The second way

    Right-click the event that you want to edit and select Edit from the drop-down menu.

    The Add/Edit Event form is displayed with information that is similar when adding your event.

  2. Edit information of the selected event to your desires, then click Save to complete.

    • When you are editing the start time, the end time will be selected with the same duration as previously defined. For example, you create an event that starts at 10:00 and ends at 12:00 (duration of 2 hours). When you edit the start time to 11:00, the suggested end time will be 13:00.

    • If you have made changes on a recurring event, the Edit recurring event pop-up will be displayed:

      • Select Only this event. The changes will be applied into the selected event only. This event will be marked with the text: "Edited Recurring event".

      • Select Following events. The changes will be applied into the selected event and following events of the series.

      • Select All events. The changes will be applied into all events of the series.


  • For shared and group calendars, you can only edit their events if you have the edit permission.

  • When editing an event, you can add/remove the attachment files or download them by directly clicking their titles.

  • If you only want to change the start date and time of the event, you can also use the drag-and-drop feature to edit the time for the event directly on the Calendar View pane.

In a space calendar:

If you set a repetition to an event or modify the event repetition, a new comment will be added to the event activity.

While editing a recurring event:

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