7.3.2. Drives, namespaces, node types, actions and scripts


This drive creation is carried by ManageDriveService. See acme-drives-configuration.xml


The namespace acme is created by configuring RepositoryService. See acme-namespaces-configuration.xml.

Nodetypes and templates

In Products and Contact Us pages, you see contents of two types: acme:product and acme:contact_us.

Each content type needs a nodetype definition, a dialog to create/edit and a view to display the content.

For acme:product type as example, the nodetype is created by configuring AddNodeTypePlugin in system-configuration.xml. The plugin reads nodetype definition in nodetypes-configuration.xml.

The templates (dialogs and views) sources are written in gtmpl under this folder, and configured in nodetypes-templates-configuration.xml.

Actions and scripts

In the navigation, when you hover over the Products, you see a sub-menu dropped down. Any item of the sub-menu is a child node in the taxonomy tree powers.

When you add a child taxonomy to the tree, it is automatically populated as an item to the sub-menu. This population is carried out by the PopulateToMenu action.

The action is registered by xml configuration in dms-actions-configuration.xml.

This action is a script action and the source of the script is PopulateToMenu.groovy, that is registered in dms-scripts-configuration.xml.

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