This chapter consists of the following main topics:
Level of support in GateIn 3.5
Necessary information about support levels in GateIn 3.5
Deploying GateIn's WSRP services
Information about the WSRP support in GateIn, WSRP use when running GateIn on a non-default port or hostname, and Considerations to use WSRP with SSL.
Knowledge and examples of how to make a portlet remotable.
Consuming GateIn's WSRP portlets from a remote consumer
Introduction to WSRP Consumers.
Consuming remote WSRP portlets in GateIn
Instructions on how to configure a remote producer walk-through, to configure access to remote producers via XML, and examples.
Instructions on how to modify a currently held registration, to import and export portlets, to erase local registration data, and introduction to available operations from the consumer list view of the WSRP configuration portlet.
Configuring GateIn's WSRP producer
Knowledge of default and registration configurations, and WSRP validation mode.
WSRP integration configuration
Introduction to Extended Navigation and details of WSRP integration.
The Web Services for Remote Portlets specification defines a web service interface for accessing and interacting with presentation-oriented web services. It has been produced through the efforts of the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) OASIS Technical Committee. It is based on the requirements gathered and on the concrete proposals made to the committee.
Scenarios that motivate the WSRP functionality include:
Content hosts, such as portal servers, providing Portlets as presentation-oriented web services that can be used by aggregation engines.
Aggregating frameworks, including portal servers, consuming presentation-oriented web services offered by content providers and integrating them into the framework.
More information about WSRP can be found on the official website for WSRP. It is suggested that you read the primer for a good and technical overview of WSRP.