Automatic directory population


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eXo organizational model has User, Group, Membership and Profile entities. For each, eXo defines a base dn that should be below baseURL. At startup, if either of userURL, groupsURL, membershipTypeURL or profileURL does not exist fully, eXo will attempt to create the missing subtree by parsing the dn and creating entries on-the-fly. To determine the classes of the created entries, the following rules are applied:

For example, if baseURL is o=MyCompany,c=com and groupsURL is dc=groups,cn=Extranet,c=France,ou=EMEA,o=MyCompany,c=com, the following subtree will be created:

  objectClass: top
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: country
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: organizationalRole
          objectClass: top
          objectClass: dcObject
          objectClass: organization            
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