Profiles configuration


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Profiles are configured in the configuration files of eXo Kernel.

Profiles definition

Profile activation occurs at XML to configuration object unmarshalling time. It is based on a "profile" attribute that is present on some of the XML elements of the configuration files. To enable this, the kernel configuration schema has been upgraded to kernel_1_1.xsd. The configuration is based on the following rules:

  1. Any kernel element without profiles attribute will create a configuration object.

  2. Any kernel element having a profiles attribute containing at least one of the active profiles will create a configuration object.

  3. Any kernel element having a profiles attribute matching none of the active profile will not create a configuration object.

  4. Resolution of duplicates (such as two components with same type) is left up to the kernel.

Profiles capable configuration elements

A configuration element is profiles capable when it carries a profiles element.

Component element

The component element declares a component when activated. It will shadow any element with the same key declared before in the same configuration file:


<component profiles="foo">

Component plugin element

The component-plugin element is used to dynamically extend the configuration of a given component. Thanks to the profiles, the component-plugins could be enabled or disabled:

  <component-plugin profiles="foo">

Import element

The import element imports a referenced configuration file when activated:

<import profiles="foo">foo</import>
<import profiles="bar">bar</import>

Init param element

The init param element configures the parameter argument of the construction of a component service:

    <value-param profiles="foo">
    <value-param profiles="bar">

Value collection element

The value collection element configures one of the values of collection data:

<object type="org.exoplatform.container.configuration.ConfigParam">
  <field name="role">
    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
      <value profiles="foo"><string>foo_manager</string></value>
      <value profiles="foo,bar"><string>foo_bar_manager</string></value>

Field configuration element

The field configuration element configures the field of an object:

  <object type="org.exoplatform.container.configuration.ConfigParam">
    <field name="role">
      <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
    <field name="role" profiles="foo,bar">
      <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
    <field name="role" profiles="foo">
      <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
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