How can Job Scheduler service be used in Kernel?


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Kernel leverages Quartz for its Scheduler service and wraps org.quartz.Scheduler in org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler for easier service wiring and configuration like any other services. To work with Quartz in Kernel, you will mostly work with org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.JobSchedulerService (implemented by org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.impl.JobSchedulerServiceImpl).

To use JobSchedulerService, you can configure it as a component in configuration.xml. Because JobSchedulerService requires QuartzScheduler and QueueTasks, you also have to configure these two components.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.exoplatform.org/xml/ns/kernel_1_2.xsd http://www.exoplatform.org/xml/ns/kernel_1_2.xsd"
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