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The feature related to configuration in this section is the Email/On-site notification. Here are some aspects of the feature:
Users can receive daily/weekly emails that sum up the activities they are interested in.
This is performed in the background by jobs called NotificationDailyJob
and NotificationWeeklyJob
In the Web UI, the notifications pop up immediately when an activity happens. And there is a page called "View All" where users can see all the recent notifications.
In the background, a job called WebNotificationJob
takes care to remove notifications that are older than a configurable live time.
Here under is the list of related properties that you can configure via file.
This is the Cron expression to schedule the daily emails. By default it is 0 0 23 ? * * (11:00pm every day).
Learn to write Cron expression string here.
This is the Cron expression to schedule the weekly emails. By default it is 0 0 11 ? * SUN (11:00am every Sunday).
When they run, the jobs divide emails into batches and send them sequentially for preventing overloads. This configuration is the delay time (in seconds) between two batches.
The default is 60 (one minute).
This is the (maximum) number of emails of each batch. The default is 30.
This is the "from" field in the emails. The default is eXo.
The maximum number of notifications displayed in the popover list. The default is 8.
The number of days a notification takes place in the "View All" page. When it reaches its live time, it will be removed by the WebNotificationJob. The default is 30 (days).
The Cron expression to schedule the WebNotificationJob. By default it runs at 11:00pm every day (0 0 23 ? * *).
See also
Notification settings for global settings.
Notification management for personal settings.