10.5.3. Page


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Portal Page aggregates content from one or more Portlets.

Retrieving Pages

A specific page can be retrieved by its PageId. The PageId is constructed by passing either the name for a standard site, the group for a group space or the user for a user dashboard, and the name of the page. Alternatively it can be constructed by passing the SiteId and name of the page.

Example of retrieving specific pages is shown below:

Page standardSitePage = portal.getPage("classic", "home");
Page groupSpacePage = portal.getSite(new Group("platform", "administrators"), "grouppage");
Page userDashboardPage = portal.getSite(new User("john", "johnspage"));

It is also possible to query for pages using the PageQuery. The PageQuery supports filtering, sorting and pagination when querying for pages.

The example below finds pages with a display name that starts with "A":

PageQuery.Builder qb = new PageQuery.Builder();
qb.withSiteType(SiteType.SITE).withFilter(new Filter<Page>() {
    public boolean accept(Page page) {
        return page.getDisplayName().startsWith("A");
List<Page> pages = portal.findPages(qb.build());

Creating a Page

To create a page, first create a new page through the Portal, then set the configuration for the page (such as localized display names), and finally saved it using the Portal.

The example below creates a new page in the classic site with the name mypage and a non-localized display name:

Page page = portal.createPage(new PageId("classic", "mypage"));
page.setDisplayName("My Page");


The changed permissions do not take affect until savePage is invoked.

Setting Permissions for a Page

Associated with a page is an access permission and an edit permission, which controls what users and groups are allowed to access and edit the page respectively.

The example below makes a page accessible to everyone, but only editable by users in the /platform/administrators group:

page.setEditPermission(Permission.any("platform", "administrators"));


The changed permissions do not take affect until savePage is invoked.

Deleting a Page

A page is deleted by invoking removePage on the Portal.

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