Content Detail


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The Content Detail portlet allows users to view the detail of a specific content.

This is an example of the Content Detail portlet used in Content:

Preference Type Value Description
workspace String collaboration The workspace where content is stored.
nodeIdentifier String N/A The UUID or the path of content that you want to show.
ShowTitle Boolean true Shows the content title on the top of the portlet.
ShowDate Boolean false Shows the content date on the top of the portlet.
ShowOptionBar Boolean false Shows the content date on the top of the portlet.
ContextEnable Boolean false Defines if the portlet will use the parameter on URL as the path to content to display or not.
ParameterName String content-id Defines which parameter will be used to get the content's path.
PrintParameterName String content-id Defines which parameter will be used to get the content's path to print.
PrintPage String printviewer The print preview page.
basePath String basePath Shows the page in which the full content is displayed when the content title is clicked.
showScvWith String content-id The parameter name which shows the content path in URL when the content title is clicked.
sharedCache Boolean true Defines if the portlet will use the cache shared between users to display content. If you want the content to be displayed in CLV to be got from one cache, set the value to true. In most cases, you should not set sharedCache to false as it reduces the overall performance. See Content Visibility.

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