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You may configure your preferences in Forums, such as personal profile, Forums settings and subscriptions.
Click on the User bar to go to the Settings form. Once you opened the Settings form, you can control your personal settings, options and preferences via the following actions:
By selecting the Profile tab, you can see your personal information and other preferences.
Here, you can:
Edit your screen name and title displayed in forums in the Screen Name and User Title fields. The User Title field allows Administrators only to edit.
Edit your signature which will be displayed at the bottom of your post. Enter your signature in the Signature textbox. Tick/Untick the Display Signature checkbox to enable/disable your signature.
Change your avatar by clicking the Update link. Tick/Untick the Display Avatar checkbox to show/hide your avatar.
Follow your created topics by selecting the Watch topics I start checkbox. You will receive email notifications when there are any new posts added to your topics.
Follow topics which you have posted by ticking the Watch topics I post in checkbox. You will receive email notifications when there are any new posts added to the topic.
Go to the Forum Settings tab in the Settings form. You can change preferences, such as time zone, date and time formats, and other display options.
Go to the My Subscriptions tab in the Settings form, where you can update or delete existing subscriptions.
In column, you can subscribe or unsubscribe your subscriptions by selecting/deselecting the respective checkboxes, then click Your personal feed URL is field. You can use this link to view the content of your subscriptions.
. The selected objects (categories, forums, topics) will be updated to theIn the column, you can edit your subscription email by ticking the checkbox corresponding to it, then enter a new email address into the Your watches are sent to field. Click Update to add your entered email addresses in the column.
Click to remove your watched category, topic, post. After being removed, you will no longer receive any email notifications of the removed object.
Next, click
to accept your changes.