7.6.4. Customizing your preferences


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This function is used to set up your browsing preferences.

  1. Click on the right side of the Action bar.

    The Preferences window will appear.


    Sort bySorts content in the list by Alphabetic, Type, Created Date, or Modified Date that is associated with the Ascending or Descending order.
    Show Sidebar Displays/Hides the sidebar.
    Enable Drag & Drop Enables/Disables the "drag and drop" action.
    Nodes Per Page Defines the number of content displayed per page.
    Show Non-document Nodes Displays/Hides items that are non–document.
    Show Referenced Documents Displays/Hides referenced documents.
    Show Hidden Nodes Displays/Hides hidden documents.
    Enable DMS Structure Displays/Hides documents in the tree structure.
    Query TypeThe query type.

  2. Configure the preferences to your desires and click Save to set them;

    Or, click Close to quit without submitting changes.

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