7.5.16. Locking/Unlocking


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This function is to avoid changes on a specific content and actions by others, during a specific period.

Locking content

Select the content, then click from the Right-click menu or on the Action bar. The selected content will be locked.


  • Only users with appropriate rights can lock the content.

  • After being locked, other users can only view the content.

  • The lock will be kept during the current session only. If the user who locks the content signs out, the content will be unlocked.

  • Other users can copy the locked content (by using the Copy/Paste functions outlined above); however, the original content cannot be removed or altered.

  • If no action is taken on the locked content within 30 minutes, the lock will be automatically removed.

Unlocking content

Select the content which has been locked, then click from the Right-click menu or on the Action bar. The content will then be unlocked and other users can take actions on it.

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