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Firstly, start by connection settings which will tell eXo how to connect to your directory server. These settings are very close to JNDI API context parameters. This configuration is activated by the init-param ldap.config of the LDAPServiceImpl service.
<description>Default ldap config</description>
<object type="">
<field name="providerURL"><string>ldap://,</string></field>
<field name="rootdn"><string>CN=Manager,DC=exoplatform,DC=org</string></field>
<field name="password"><string>secret</string></field>
<!-- field name="authenticationType"><string>simple</string></field-->
<field name="version"><string>3</string></field>
<field name="referralMode"><string>follow</string></field>
<!-- field name="serverName"><string></string></field-->
<field name="minConnection"><int>5</int></field>
<field name="maxConnection"><int>10</int></field>
<field name="timeout"><int>50000</int></field>
providerURL: LDAP server URL (see PROVIDER_URL). For multiple LDAP servers, use the comma separated list of host:port (For example, ldap://,
rootdn: dn of user that will be used by the service to authenticate on the server (see SECURITY_PRINCIPAL">SECURITY_PRINCIPAL).
password: Password for the rootdn user (see SECURITY_CREDENTIALS).
authenticationType: Type of authentication to be used (see SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION). Use one of none, simple, strong. Default is simple.
version: LDAP protocol version (see java.naming.ldap.version). Set to 3 if your server supports LDAP V3.
referalMode: One of follow, ignore, throw (see REFERRAL).
serverName: You will need to set this to in order to work with Active Directory servers. Any other value will be ignore and the service will act as on a standard LDAP.
maxConnection: The maximum number of connections per connection identity that can be maintained concurrently.
minConnection: The number of connections per connection identity to create when initially creating a connection for the identity.
timeout: The number of milliseconds that an idle connection may remain in the pool without being closed and removed from the pool.