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Memberships are used to assign a role within a group. They are entries that are placed under the group entry of their scope group. Users in this role are defined as attributes of the membership entry.
For example, to designate Tom as manager of the group human-resources:
ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org … cn=manager,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org member: uid=tom,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org …
The parameters to configure memberships are:
<field name="membershipLDAPClasses"><string>top,groupOfNames</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeMemberValue"><string>member</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeRoleNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalRole</string></field>
membershipLDAPClasses: The comma separated list of classes used to create memberships.
When creating a new membership, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must at least define the attribute designated by membershipTypeMemberValue.
For example, adding membership validator would produce:
cn=validator,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org objectclass: top objectClass: groupOfNames …
membershipTypeMemberValue: The multivalued attribute used in memberships to reference users that have the role in the group.
Values should be a dn user. For example, James and Root, who have the admin role within the human-resources group, would give:
cn=admin,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org member: cn=james,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org member: cn=root,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org …
membershipTypeRoleNameAttr: Attribute of the membership entry whose value refers to the membership type.
For example, in the following membership entry: cn=manager,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org, the 'cn' attribute is used to designate the 'manager' membership type. This could also be said that the name of the role is given by 'cn' the attribute.
membershipTypeObjectClassFilter: Filter used to distinguish membership entries under groups.
You can use rather complex filters. For example, here is a filter used for a customer that needs to trigger a dynlist overlay on OpenLDAP.
You need to pay attention to the xml escaping of the '&' (and) operator.