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The JCR-FTP Server represents the standard eXo service, operates as an FTP server with an access to a content stored in JCR repositories in the form of nt:file/nt:folder nodes or their successors. The client of an executed Server can be any FTP client. The FTP server is supported by a standard configuration which can be changed as required.
FTP includes the following configuration parameters:
The value of the command channel port. The value '21' is set by default.
When you have already some FTP servers installed in your system, this parameter needs to be changed (for example, 2121) to avoid conflicts or if the port is protected.
These two parameters indicate the minimal and maximal values of the range of ports respectively, used by the server. The usage of the additional data channel is required by the FTP - protocol, which is used to transfer the file content and the categories list. This range of ports should be free from listening by other server-programs.
<value>UNIX Type: L8</value>
Types of formats of listing of catalogues which are supported.
This parameter specifies the coding which is used for dialogue with the client.
This parameter specifies the type of a node, when an FTP-folder is created.
This parameter specifies the type of a node, when an FTP file is created.
The MIME type of a created file is chosen by using its file extention. In case a server cannot find the corresponding mime type, this value is used.
The Path of the cache folder.
Restriction of the upload speed. It is measured in bytes.
Restriction of the download speed. It is measured in bytes.
Define the value of a timeout.
Indicate whether or not the forbidden characters must be replaced.
Define the list of forbidden characters.
Define the character that will be used to replace the forbidden characters.