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It is highly recommended to back up your data before repairing inconsistencies (either automatically or manually). It is also recommended to store the results of queries that check the data consistency. This may be useful for the support team in case of deeper restoration process.
Production and any systems may have faults in some days. They may be
caused by hardware and/or software problems, human faults during updates and
in many other circumstances. It is important to check integrity and
consistency of the system if it is not backed up or stale, or it takes the
recovery process much time. The eXo JCR implementation offers an innovative
JMX-based complex checking tool. Running inspection, this tool checks every
major JCR component, such as persistent data layer and index. The persistent
layer includes JDBC Data Container and Value Storage if they are configured.
The database is verified using the set of complex specialized
domain-specific queries. The Value Storage tool checks the existence and
access to each file. Index verification contains two-way pass cycle,
existence of each node in the index checks on persistent layer along with
opposite direction, when each node from Data Container is validated in the
index. Access to the checking tool is exposed via the JMX interface
MBean) with the
following operations available:
Operation | Description |
| Inspects the full repository data (database, value storage and search indexes). |
| Inspects only the DB. |
| Inspects only the value storage. |
| Inspects only the search indexes. |
Among the list of known inconsistencies described in the next section, see below what can be checked and repaired automatically:
An item has no parent node: Properties will be removed and the root UUID will be assigned in case of nodes.
A node has a single valued property with nothing declared in the VALUE table: This property will be removed if it is not required by primary type of its node.
A node has no primary type property: This node and the whole subtree will be removed if it is not required by primary type of its parent.
Value record has no related property record: Value record will be removed from database.
An item is its own parent: Properties will be removed and root UUID will be assigned in case of nodes.
Several versions of same item: All earlier records with earlier versions will be removed from ITEM table.
Reference properties without reference records: The property will be removed if it is not required by the primary type of its node.
A node is marked as locked in the lockmanager's table but not in ITEM table or the opposite: All lock inconsistencies will be removed from both tables.
The only inconsistency that cannot be fixed automatically is Corrupted VALUE records. Both STORAGE_DESC and DATA fields contain not null value. Since there is no way to determinate which value is valid: either on the file system or in the database.
The list of ValueStorage inconsistencies which can be checked and repaired automatically:
Property's value is stored in the File System but the content is missing: A new empty file corresponding to this value will be created.
The following is the list of SearchIndex inconsistencies which can be checked. To repair them, you need to reindex the content completely, what also can be done using JMX:
Not indexed document
Document indexed more than one time
Document corresponding to removed node
Operation | Description |
repairDataBase() | Repairs DB inconsistencies declared above. |
repairValueStorage() | Repairs value storage inconsistencies declared above. |
All tool activities are stored into a file, which can be found in the app directory.
The syntax of the file name is report-<repository name>-dd-MMM-yy-HH-mm.txt
You can use the nThreads JMX parameter to set the number of threads used for checking and repairing repository (the RepositoryCheckController uses a single thread by default).
When the multi-threaded mode is used, the RepositoryCheckController uses more memories. So, it is recommended to avoid setting a large number of threads.
Operation | Description |
getCheckingThreadPoolSize() | Gets the number of threads used for checking and repairing the repository. |
setCheckingThreadPoolSize() | Sets the number of threads used for checking and repairing the repository. |
By default, the RepositoryCheckController uses only one thread to check and repair your repository.
Recommendations on how to fix corrupted JCR
Here are examples of corrupted JCR and ways to eliminate them:
It is assumed that queries for single and multiple database configurations differ only by the JCR_xITEM table name, otherwise queries will be explicitly introduced.
In some examples, you will be asked to replace some identificators with their corresponding values. This basically means that you need to insert values, from each row result of query executed during the issue detection stage, to the corresponding place. Explicit explanation of what to do will be introduced in case replacing is needed to be fulfilled in other way.
Items have no parent
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SITEM I where NOT EXISTS(select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.ID = I.PARENT_ID)
Fix description: Assign root as parent node to be able to delete this node later if the node is not needed anymore.
To fix this problem, do the following:
For all query results rows containing items belonging to
Execute the next query by replacing ${ID}
with corresponding values:
Single DB
update JCR_SITEM set PARENT_ID='${CONTAINER_NAME}00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
Multiple DB
update JCR_MITEM set PARENT_ID='00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
For all query results rows containing items belonging to
the I_CLASS = 2
delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}'
A node has a single valued property with no declaration in the VALUE table.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.I_CLASS=2 and P.P_MULTIVALUED=0 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SVALUE V where V.PROPERTY_ID=P.ID)
should be replaced by P_MULTIVALUED='f'
for PostgreSQL.
Fix description: Simply remove corrupted properties.
To fix every row, execute next queries by replacing ${ID}
with a corresponding value:
delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where ID = '${ID}'
Nodes have no primary type property.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SITEM N where N.I_CLASS=1 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.I_CLASS=2 and P.PARENT_ID=N.ID and P.NAME='[]primaryType')
Fix description: Remove node, all its children, properties, values and reference records.
To fix this problem, do the following:
Recursively traver to the bottom of the tree until query results are in empty value:
select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and I_CLASS=1
You will receive a tree structure containing a node, its children and properties.
Execute the following steps with tree structure elements in reverse order (from leaves to head).
Execute a query for tree element's ${ID}.
select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}'
Execute queries for each ${ID}
received during the
query execution mentioned above.
delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}'
All value records have no related property record.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SVALUE V where NOT EXISTS(select * from JCR_SITEM P where V.PROPERTY_ID = P.ID and P.I_CLASS=2)
Fix description: Remove these unnecessary records from the JCR_SVALUE
To fix this problem, execute next queries by replacing ${ID}
with a corresponding value as below for every row.
delete from JCR_SVALUE where ID = '${ID}'
Corrupted VALUE records. Both STORAGE_DESC and STORAGE_DESC fields contain non-null value.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SVALUE where (STORAGE_DESC is not null and DATA is not null)
Fix description: Set null for the STORAGE_DESC field by assuming that the value stored in database is valid.
To fix this problem, execute next queries by replacing
with the corresponding value as below for every row.
update JCR_SVALUE set STORAGE_DESC = null where ID = '${ID}'
For Sybase DB, "DATA is not null" must be replaced with "not DATA like null".
Item is its own parent.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SITEM I where I.ID = I.PARENT_ID and I.NAME <> '__root_parent'
Fix description: Assign root as parent node to be able to delete later if node is not needed to use anymore.
To fix this problem, do the following:
For all query results rows containing items belonging
to I_CLASS = 1
Execute the next query by replacing ${ID}
with corresponding values:
Single DB
update JCR_SITEM set PARENT_ID='${CONTAINER_NAME}00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
Multiple DB
update JCR_MITEM set PARENT_ID='00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
For all query results rows containing items belonging
to I_CLASS = 2
delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}'
Several versions of the same item.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
Fix description: Keep the newest version and remove the others.
To fix this problem, do the following:
Execute the following query by replacing ${PARENT_ID}
with corresponding values contained in
results of the query mentioned above:
Single DB:
Multiple DB:
select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${PARENT_ID}' and NAME='${NAME}' and I_CLASS='${I_CLASS}' and I_INDEX='${I_INDEX}' and VERSION < ${MAX_VERSION}
Execute the following queries by replacing ${ID}
corresponding values of newly obtained results.
delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where ID='${ID}'
Reference properties without reference records.
To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:
select * from JCR_SITEM P, JCR_SVALUE V where P.ID = V.PROPERTY_ID and P.P_TYPE=9 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SREF R where P.ID=R.PROPERTY_ID)
Fix description: Remove broken reference properties.
To fix this problem, do the following:
Execute the query replacing ${ID}
with a corresponding
delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}' delete from JCR_SITEM where ID = '${ID}'
A node which is considered to be locked in the lockmanager data is not locked according to the JCR data or the opposite situation.
To detect this issue, you need:
First, get all locked nodes IDs in repository, mentioned in
table, by executing a query:
select distinct PARENT_ID from JCR_SITEM where I_CLASS=2 and (NAME='[]lockOwner' or NAME='[]lockIsDeep')
Then, compare it to nodes IDs from LockManager's table:
During comparing results, be aware that for single
DB configurations, you need to cut off the ID prefix
representing the workspace name for results obtained from
Though a single lock table is usually used for the whole repository, it is possible to configure separate db lock tables for each workspace. In this case, to obtain information over the repository, you need to execute queries for each table.
Non shareable
where parent='/$LOCKS'
with its corresponding
select fqn from ${LOCK_TABLE} where parent like '/${REPOSITORY_NAME}%/$LOCKS/'
For ISPN lock tables which are defined for each workspace separately, you must execute queries for all lock tables to obtain information over repository.
To get all set of locked node IDs in the repository, you must execute the following query for each workspace.
select id from ${LOCK_TABLE}
Fix description: Remove inconsistent lock entries and properties. Remove
entries in LOCK_TABLE
that have no corresponding properties in
table and remove the JCR_xITEM
properties that have no
corresponding entries in the LOCK_TABLE
To fix this problem, do the following:
First, remove property values, replace ${ID}
a corresponding node ID:
delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID in (select ID from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and (NAME = '[]lockIsDeep' or NAME = '[]lockOwner'))
Then, remove property items themselves, replace ${ID}
with a
corresponding node ID:
delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and (NAME = '[]lockIsDeep' or NAME = '[]lockOwner')
Replace ${ID}
and ${FQN}
with the corresponding node ID and
delete from ${LOCK_TABLE} where fqn = '${FQN}'
Execute the following query for each workspace:
delete from ${LOCK_TABLE} where id = '${ID}'
A property's value is stored in the file system, but its content is missing.
This cannot be checked via simple SQL queries.