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eXo Platform provides the standalone mode to install eXo Chat into a dedicated server. In this mode, the backend of eXo Chat application is deployed in its own Tomcat application server while the frontend i.e. the portlets are deployed in eXo Platform instance.
This alternative architecture brings better scalability and performance since server resources are not shared between eXo Platform and eXo Chat. It allows to add more eXo Chat server nodes independently from eXo Platform nodes.
The schema below summaries the standalone mode architecture:
To install eXo Chat in standalone mode, follow this procedure:
Ensure to uninstall eXo Chat from eXo Platform server if it is already installed by the Addon manager: addon uninstall exo-chat
Download eXo Chat package: chat-standalone-server-tomcat into a known location and rename it to chat_server_package.
The package chat_server_package
is a ready tomcat server for eXo Chat.
Make sure there is no port conflicts between the eXo Chat server and other systems.
If you deploy the eXo Chat server on the same host than eXo Platform, then, you should change all
the ports in chat_server_package/conf/server.xml
as in the example below:
<Connector port="8280" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8243" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
Create the file
under the path chat_server_package/conf
then add the
configuration to fit with your environments by updating the following properties:
standaloneChatServer=true dbServerHost=[MongoDB-Host] dbServerPort=[MongoDB-Port] dbName=chat dbAuthentication=false dbUser=admin dbPassword=pass chatPortalPage=/portal/intranet/chat chatPassPhrase=change-me
Install and configure MongoDB database by following this link.
Start the chat server:
cd chat_server_package ./
Install Chat application into eXo Platform server : ./addon install exo-chat-client
Configure these properties in eXo_tomcat/gatein/conf/
standaloneChatServer=true chatServerBase=http://[chat-server-IP-address]:8280 chatPortalPage=/portal/intranet/chat chatIntervalSession=60000 chatPassPhrase=change-me
Start eXo Platform server:
cd eXo_tomcat ./
Install a frontal server and configure it to redirect Chat server requests to the right server. Below an example of an Apache2 configuration file (It should be adapted according to your environment):
<VirtualHost *:80>
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
#Put your used ServerName
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<IfModule proxy_wstunnel_module>
ProxyPass /chatServer/cometd ws://localhost:8280/chatServer/cometd max=100 acquire=5000 retry=5 disablereuse=on flushpackets=on
ProxyPass /cometd ws://localhost:8080/cometd/ max=100 acquire=5000 retry=5 disablereuse=on flushpackets=on
ProxyPass /chatServer http://localhost:8280/chatServer
ProxyPassReverse /chatServer http://localhost:8280/chatServer
ProxyPassReverse /chatServer/cometd/ ws://localhost:8280/chatServer/cometd/
ProxyPassReverse /cometd ws://localhost:8080/cometd/
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
Login to the platform using this url, you should have the chat application in the top navigation menu.