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For a quick setup, the add-on by default uses a local and none-authorization connection. However, in production it is likely you will secure your MongoDB, so authorization is required. Below are steps to do this.
Read MongoDB documentation for MongoDB security. This setup procedure is applied for MongoDB 3.2.
Start MongoDB and connect to the shell to create a database named admin. Add a user with role userAdminAnyDatabase.
$ mongo >use admin >db.createUser({user: "admin", pwd: "admin", roles: [{role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}]}) >exit
Edit MongoDB configuration to turn on authentication, then restart the server.
# mongodb.conf # Your MongoDB host. bind_ip = # The default MongoDB port port = 27017 # Turn on authentication auth=true
Create a user having readWrite role in the database chat (you can name the database as your desire).
$ mongo -port 27017 -host -u admin -p admin -authenticationDatabase admin >use chat >db.createUser({user: "exo", pwd: "exo", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "chat"}]}) >exit
Verify the authentication/authorization of the new user:
$ mongo -port 27017 -host -u exo -p exo -authenticationDatabase chat >use chat >db.placeholder.insert({description: "test"}) >db.placeholder.find()
Create a configuration file containing these below parameters.
dbName=chat dbServerHost= dbServerPort=27017 dbAuthentication=true dbUser=exo dbPassword=exo
The parameters above correspond with the values used during creating authorization for MongoDB.