Content List


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The Content List portlet shows a list of contents which already exist in the system.

This is an example of the Content List portlet used in Content:

Preference Type Value Description
mode String AutoViewerMode The mode for displaying content of the portlet: all contents in a specific folder or all specific contents in the portlet.
folderPath String


The path to the folder whose contents are displayed by this portlet.
orderBy String publication:liveDate The property by which all the contents in the portlet are sorted.
orderType String DESC The type of the content sort method: ascending or descending.
header String


The header of the portlet which is displayed at the top of the portlet.
automaticDetection Boolean true This value indicates whether the header of the portlet is selected to be the title of the folder given in the folderPath parameter (true value) or the value given in the header parameter above.
formViewTemplatePath String


The value is set to "empty" by default and can be replaced with the path to the template which is used to display this portlet content.
paginatorTemplatePath String /exo:ecm/views/templates/content-list-viewer/paginators/DefaultPaginator.gtmpl The path to the paginator used to display the contents in this portlet.
itemsPerPage Integer 10The number of contents displayed in every "page" of the portlet.
showThumbnailsView Boolean true This value indicates whether the content image in this portlet is shown or not.
showTitle Boolean true This value indicates whether the content title in this portlet is shown or not.
showHeader Boolean true This value indicates whether the content header in this portlet is shown or not.
showRefreshButton Boolean false This value indicates whether the Refresh button is shown in this portlet or not.
showDateCreated Boolean true This value indicates whether the content created date in this portlet is shown or not.
showReadmore Boolean true This value indicates whether the Read more button is shown in every content of the portlet or not. After clicking this button, the user can read the whole text of the content.
showSummary Boolean true This value indicates whether the content summary in this portlet is shown or not.
showLink Boolean true If this value is true, the header of every content is also the link to view this content fully. If the value is false, the header is considered as a simple text.
showRssLink Boolean true Shows the RSS link of this portlet.
basePath String detail Shows the page in which the full content is displayed when the user clicks to the Read more button.
contextualFolder String contextualDisable Enables/Disables the contextual mode of the portlet. If enabled, the portlet can take the folder path indicated in the URL to display contents.
showScvWith String content-id The parameter name which shows the folder path in URL when the content title is clicked.
showClvBy String folder-id The parameter name which shows the folder path in URL.
application String ContentList The application name.
sharedCache Boolean true Defines if the portlet will use the cache shared between users to display content. If you want the content displayed in SCV to be got from one cache, set the value to true. In most cases, you should not set sharedCache to false as it reduces the overall performance. See Content Visibility.

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