1.1.3. Wiki


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The Wiki portlet provides users with the possibility to enhance their collaboration and share their work across the platform. With Wiki, they can add, modify, or delete its content by using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor.


This portlet is packaged in the wiki.war file.


See the portlet.xml file in the project by following this path: /webapps/wiki/WEB-INF/portlet.xml.


When using this portlet, you can customize the following preferences:

Preference namePossible valueDefault valueDescription
showBreadcrumb Boolean true Enables the Breadcrumb or not. The Breadcrumb is shown by default.
showNavigationTree Boolean true Enables the left wiki page navigation or not. The navigation tree is shown by default.
uploadFileSizeLimitMB Integer 10 Specifies the maximum file size (MB) to upload. Its default value is 10MB.

Sample configuration

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