Initializing the conf-part for loading repository-configuration.xml


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When the server starts, the jcr-configuration.xml file is initialized. The addConfig function will be referred to the org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.config.RepositoryServiceConfigurationPlugin component-plugin to load the war:/ks-extension/jcr/repository-configuration.xml file.

  <!-- The name of the plugin -->
  <name>Sample RepositoryServiceConfiguration Plugin</name>
  <!-- The name of the method to call on the RepositoryServiceConfiguration
       in order to add the RepositoryServiceConfigurations -->
  <!-- The full qualified name of the RepositoryServiceConfigurationPlugin -->
      <description>JCR configuration file</description>
RepositoryService ConfigurationPlugin addConfigorg.exoplatform.services. jcr.impl.config.Repository ServiceConfigurationPluginReads the configuration of JCR data to initialize data.
NamePossible valueDefault valueDescription
conf-path string war:/ks-extension/jcr/repository-configuration.xmlThe path to the repository-configuration.xml file.
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