Space Application Config


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This plugin is used to configure the default applications when creating a new space.

Sample configuration:

    <name>Space Application Configuration</name>
        <description>Space Home Application</description>
        <object type="org.exoplatform.social.core.space.SpaceApplicationConfigPlugin$SpaceApplication">
          <field name="portletApp">
          <field name="portletName">
          <field name="appTitle">
        <description>space application list configuration</description>
        <object type="org.exoplatform.social.core.space.SpaceApplicationConfigPlugin">
          <field name="spaceApplicationList">
            <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                <object type="org.exoplatform.social.core.space.SpaceApplicationConfigPlugin$SpaceApplication">
                  <field name="portletApp">
                  <field name="portletName">
                  <field name="appTitle">
                  <field name="removable">
                  <field name="order">
                  <field name="uri">
                  <field name="preferences">
                    <map type="java.util.HashMap">
              <!-- // Maybe put more the same configuration for your customization apps.

In which:

spaceHomeApplication Sets the Application portlet to be the home page of a space.
spaceApplicationListConfig The list of the applications that are installed by default to a new space.
Field namePossible valueDescription
portletAp string The .war name file which has the portlet.
portletName string The name of portlet which is registered in the system.
appTitle string The display name of the application.
removable boolean Specifies if the application is removed from the space or not.
order integer The order of the application in the space navigation.
uri string The URI of the application in the page node.
preferences Configures the default values or the init-parameters for the portlet.
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