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A lifecycle is defined by a simple vertical workflow with steps (states) and profiles (membership). Each lifecycle is related to a Publication plugin.
See the following code:
<object type="">
<field name="lifecycles">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
<object type="$Lifecycle">
<field name="name"><string>lifecycle1</string></field>
<field name="publicationPlugin"><string>Authoring publication</string></field>
<field name="states">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
<object type="$State">
<field name="state"><string>draft</string></field>
<field name="membership"><string>author:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
<object type="$State">
<field name="state"><string>pending</string></field>
<field name="membership"><string>author:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
<object type="$State">
<field name="state"><string>approved</string></field>
<field name="membership"><string>manager:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
<object type="$State">
<field name="state"><string>staged</string></field>
<field name="membership"><string>publisher:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
<object type="$State">
<field name="state"><string>published</string></field>
<field name="membership"><string>publisher:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
<object type="">
<field name="contexts">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
<object type="$Context">
<field name="name"><string>contextdefault</string></field>
<field name="priority"><string>200</string></field>
<field name="lifecycle"><string>lifecycle1</string></field>
In this example, there is one lifecycle with states. This lifecycle is based on AuthoringPublicationPlugin
You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.
When a state is changed, you can broadcast an event to add features. The event could look like this:
listenerService.broadcast(AuthoringPlugin.POST_UPDATE_STATE_EVENT, null, node);
Listener declaration could look like this:
<description>this listener will be called every time a content changes its current state</description>
You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.
To perform some tasks when a content's state is updated, you need to create a listener that handles the task and configure it. Following is the general configuration:
<description>Your listener description</description>
With this configuration, your listener
will be executed each time a content's state is changed.
For example, eXo provides a listener which automatically sends email notifications about the new state to
all users of defined groups:
. So, the configuration will be:
<description>This listener will send a mail when there are changes in a content's state</description>