eXo Calendar feed


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The eXoCalendarFeed of the nt:unstructured type contains iCalendars, webDavCalendars as child nodes and others of the exo:rssData type.

The exo:rssData node type has the following properties:

Property nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:baseUrlStringfalseThe original link to the RSS source.
exo:titleStringfalseThe title of the feed.
exo:contentBinaryfalseThe content of the feed.

The iCalendars node of the nt:unstructured type contains the child nodes of exo:iCalData type.

The exo:iCalData node type has the following properties:

Property nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:dataBinaryfalseThe exported content of the calendar in the ics.format.

The webDavCalendars node of the nt:unstructured type contains the child nodes of the exo:caldavCalendarEvent type.

The exo:caldavCalendarEvent node type has the following properties:

Property nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:caldavHrefStringfalseThe URL of the remote calendar event.
exo:caldavEtagStringfalseThe tag of the remote calendar event.
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