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The Forum node is defined as a child node of category and allowed adding child nodes as Topic and RSS type. The node type of Forum is exo:forum. The Forum node is stored in /exo:applications/ForumService/ForumData/CategoryHome/%Category-id%/%Forum-id% and its node type has the following properties:

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:idStringfalseThe forum Id.
exo:ownerStringfalseThe forum creator.
exo:pathStringfalseThe node path of the forum.
exo:nameStringfalseThe forum title.
exo:forumOrderIntegerfalseThe order number in the list of forums. Forum with smaller number will get higher order.
exo:createdDateDatefalseThe date and time when the forum was created.
exo:modifiedByStringfalseThe Id of user who modified the category.
exo:modifiedDateDatefalseThe time of modification, including date, time and time zone.
exo:lastTopicPathStringfalseThe Id of the last topic in the forum.
exo:descriptionStringfalseThe description of forum.
exo:postCountLongfalseThe total number of submitted posts in the forum.
exo:topicCountLongfalseThe total number of created topics in the forum.
exo:isAutoAddEmailNotifyBooleanfalseEnables/Disables the notification email to moderators.
exo:notifyWhenAddTopicStringtrueEmail addresses to notify when there is a new topic in the forum.
exo:notifyWhenAddPostStringtrueEmail addresses to notify when there is a new post in the forum.
exo:isModerateTopicBooleanfalseAll new topics will be moderated if the value is set to "true".
exo:isModeratePostBooleanfalseAll new posts will be moderated if the value is set to "true".
exo:isClosedBooleanfalseThe forum status: closed/open. Forum is closed if the value is set to "true".
exo:isLockBooleanfalseThe forum status: locked/unlocked. Forum is locked if the value is set to "true".
exo:createTopicRoleStringtrueThe list of Ids of the users or groups who can create topic in the forum.
exo:posterStringtrueThe list of Ids of the users or groups who can submit post in the forum.
exo:viewerStringtrueThe list of Ids of the users or groups who can view posts in the forum.
exo:moderatorsStringtrueThe list of user Ids who are the moderators of forum.
exo:tempModeratorsStringtrueThe list of user Ids who are the temporary moderators.
exo:banIPsStringtrueThe list of banned IP addresses.

The exo:forum can add the exo:forumWatching mixin type. See its properties here.

Properties nameRequired typeMultipleDescription
exo:idStringFalseThe forum Id.
exo:inActiveDayLongFalseThe number of days/weeks/months that the topics in forum have not been active.
exo:periodTimeLongFalseThe number of days/weeks/months that the prune job will be executed to check for the old topics and deactivate them.
exo:isActiveBooleanFalseThe current status of the prune job. If the value is set to "True", the prune job will be run.
exo:lastRunDateDateFalseThe date that prune job runs for the last time.
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