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User Profile
User Profile Home
nodes are used to store information of each user.
User Profile
automatically created by a listener when a user registers to the organization service. Private message and
forum subscription can be added to
User Profile
as a child node. These node types exo:forumUserProfile
are defined as child nodes of
. The
User Profile
node is stored under the
The exo:forumUserProfile
node type has the following properties:
Properties name | Required type | Multiple | Description |
exo:userId | String | false | The user Id. |
exo:fullName | String | false | The user's full name. |
exo:firstName | String | false | The user's first name. |
exo:lastName | String | false | The user's last name. |
exo:email | String | false | The user's email address. |
exo:userTitle | String | false | The user's title: Administrator, Moderator or User. |
exo:screenName | String | false | The displayed name of user in Forum. |
exo:userRole | Long | false | The user's role. The value can be: "O": Administrator, "1": Moderator, "2": User, "3": guest. |
exo:signature | String | false | The signature displayed at the end of each user's post. |
exo:totalPost | Long | false | The total posts submitted by the user. |
exo:totalTopic | Long | false | The total topics started by the user. |
exo:jobWattingForModerator | Long | false | The number of jobs that are waiting to be moderated. |
exo:moderateForums | String | true | The list of forum Ids that user is the moderator. |
exo:moderateCategory | String | true | The list of category Ids that user is the moderator. |
exo:readTopic | String | true | The list of topics that user has read. |
exo:readForum | String | true | The list of forums that user has read. |
exo:lastReadPostOfTopic | String | true | The list of the last read posts id in a topic that user has read. |
exo:lastReadPostOfForum | String | true | The list of the last read posts Id in a forum that user has read. |
exo:isAutoWatchMyTopics | Boolean | false | Enables/Disables the auto-watch the topics created by user. Topics created by a user will be watched automatically if the value is set to "true". |
exo:isAutoWatchTopicIPost | Boolean | false | Enables/Disables the auto-watch posts submitted by user. Topics posted by an user will be watched automatically if the value is set to "true". |
exo:bookmark | String | true | The list of topics/posts bookmarked by user. |
exo:lastLoginDate | Date | false | The date of the last login. |
exo:joinedDate | Date | false | The date when user joined forum. |
exo:lastPostDate | Date | false | The date of the last post. |
exo:isDisplaySignature | Boolean | false | User's signature will be displayed at the end of their post if the value is set to "true". |
exo:isDisplayAvatar | Boolean | false | User's avatar is displayed if the value is set to "true". |
exo:newMessage | Long | false | The number of new messages. |
exo:timeZone | Double | false | The time zone configured by user. |
exo:timeFormat | String | false | The time format configured by user: 12h or 24h format. |
exo:shortDateformat | String | false | The format of short date configured by user. For example: 'dd/MM/yyyy'. |
exo:longDateformat | String | false | The format of long date configured by user. For example: 'dd mmm, yyyy'. |
exo:maxPost | Long | false | The number of the maximum posts displayed per page. |
exo:maxTopic | Long | false | The number of the maximum topics displayed per page |
exo:isShowForumJump | Boolean | false | Displays/Hides the forum jump drop-down list. This jump list will be shown if the value is set to "true". |
exo:collapCategories | String | true | The list of categories collapsed by user. |
exo:isBanned | Boolean | false | The user's condition. User is currently banned if the value is set to "true". |
exo:banUntil | Long | false | The time when the ban period expires. |
exo:banReason | String | false | The description for the reason that user was banned. |
exo:banCounter | String | false | The number of bans that user has committed. |
exo:banReasonSummary | String | true | The list of ban reason summaries when a user is banned for more than one time. |
exo:createdDateBan | Date | false | The date when the ban period starts. |
The exo:privateMessage
child node type has the following properties:
Properties name | Required type | Multiple | Description |
exo:from | String | false | The user Id of the sender. |
exo:sendTo | String | false | The user Id of the receiver. |
exo:name | String | false | The private message subject. |
exo:message | String | false | The message contents. |
exo:type | String | false | The private message type: sent messages or received messages. |
exo:receivedDate | Date | false | The date when the private message was received. |
exo:isUnread | Boolean | false | The status of private message: read/unread. |
The exo:forumSubscription
child node type has the following properties:
Properties name | Required type | Multiple | Description |
exo:categoryIds | String | true | The Ids of the subscribed categories. |
exo:forumIds | String | true | The Ids of the subscribed forums. |
exo:topicIds | String | true | The Ids of the subscribed topics. |