Content list viewer templates


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Content List Templates

The Content List Templates allow you to view the content list with various templates. eXo Platform supports the following content list templates:

Template Description
Documents.gtmpl Displays contents under a content list with a NodeType icon or the illustration on the left of the corresponding content.
OneColumn.gtmpl Displays contents under one column. The illustration of each content is displayed on its left.
TwoColumns.gtmpl Displays contents under two columns. The illustration of each content is displayed on its left.
AccessibleBreadcrumb.gtmpl This template is designed according to the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)to display content under the breadcrumb format.
AccessibleSitemap.gtmpl This template is designed according to the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to display all content under the sitemap format.
AccessibleBanner.gtmpl This template is designed according to the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to display the banner.
AccessibleToolbar.gtmpl This template is designed according to the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to display the toolbar.
AcmePowers.gtmpl Displays the content in the ACME website.
Announcement.gtmpl Displays the announcement content.

Category Navigation Templates

The Category Navigation Templates display all contents under the categories.

Template Description
CategoryList.gtmpl Displays categories as a navigation bar.
AccessibleNavigation.gtmpl This template is designed according to the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to display categories as a navigation bar.
AcmePowersCategoryTree.gtmp Displays category trees of the ACME site. It can be also used for other sites if it is available.

Paginator Templates

The Paginator Templates allow you to paginate the content into various pages.

Template Description
DefaultPaginator.gtmpl Allows you to paginate content.
EmptyPaginator.gtmpl The empty paginator template.
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